Stamp Magazine

Stamp Magazine stands as the world’s premier and longest-running philatelic publication, delivering up-to-date news, expert opinion, and meticulously researched features. With comprehensive coverage of auctions, exhibitions, and thematic stamp collecting, Stamp Magazine provides invaluable insights into stamps from across the globe. From classics to new releases, British issues, and stamps from around the world, Stamp Magazine offers a wealth of information straight to your device with a digital subscription. Join the community of avid philatelists today with an annual Stamp digital magazine subscription, the UK’s favorite and most esteemed publication for stamp collectors. Subscribe now!


Stamp Magazine, published on the second Thursday of every month, stands as the authoritative voice in the world of philately. Offering a global perspective, each issue provides a diverse mix of the latest stamp releases and captivating stories behind classic stamps, both past and present. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage, Stamp Magazine features exciting news on rare stamps, auction highlights, stamp shows, and insightful features where readers share their collections and stories.

A ‘must-have’ for collectors of all levels, Stamp Magazine offers an array of unmissable monthly features including informed opinion pieces, expert insights, and finely-researched articles covering various aspects of philately. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or new to the hobby, the magazine’s content is accessible, colorful, and highly informative, providing valuable secrets and updates that benefit your stamp collection. Stay abreast of global stamp trends, exhibitions, and new designs by subscribing to Stamp Magazine’s digital edition, ensuring you’re always in-the-know about the latest developments in the world of stamps.

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